Michigan Region - NCCC

Regional Executive NewsGeorge Duncan, Michigan Region Executive

As I write this in late February, I am anxiously anticipating our 2022 Corvette season. Many events are already being planned in the Michigan Region. For example, our 2021 regional awards banquet will be held on April 16, 2022 and a rookie driving school is scheduled for May 14, 2022. Flyers are available on the regional website (www.micorvette.org) for most events. Speaking of awards, I would like to mention our very own 2021 Men’s National Champion Rene Cardenas and our 2021 Ladies National Champion Carolyn McLemore. Congratulations to both of you for an outstanding effort.

As we continue to plan our 2022 competition season, I am seeing that the cost for using several of our traditional autocross venues is becoming price prohibitive. Several clubs have expressed doubt about being able to hold these events. With prices that are now many times higher than in the past, clubs will be forced to either pass these increases on to the competitors or, to simply cancel their events. Several of us are working on solutions but, no resolution to the issue is in site as of this writing.

There has been some positive change in the region. At our November 2021 regional meeting, an update to the regional By-Laws was approved. This will allow for some amount of electronic meeting attendance, electronic voting, and earlier event date bidding. There were also various enhancements and clarifications made to some existing By-law’s wording.

Most importantly, as we approach the 2022 Corvette season, we are all looking forward to the camaraderie with our friends as well as making new acquaintances. Even though the pandemic had slowed us down somewhat in the past two years, we are anticipating good times at all our events and gatherings during the 2022 season.

In closing, I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022.

George Duncan
Michigan Regional Executive

Email:  re@micorvette.org